Top unsolved serial killers
Top unsolved serial killers

top unsolved serial killers

He died in 2001 by natural causes but he still remains as one of America’s worst serial killers. Lucas was sentenced to death but was soon commuted to life in prison in 1998 by the then Governor George W. He even killed his own wife after she knew about Lucas and was going to confess her sins. In 1960, Lucas murdered his own mother and until 1983, the same continued together with his accomplice Ottis Toole. Named ‘The Confession Killer’, Lucas used to confession the number of deaths on several investigation processes after his arrest. One of most prolific serial killers in America, Henry Lee Lucas is said to have murdered around 600 people though only 200 people were known to have been murdered. Dahmer died in 1994 in the Columbia Correctional Institute after being beaten to death by his fellow inmate. When he was arrested in 1992, he was guilty for 15 murders for which he was sentenced for 15 life terms. Dahmer was more like a psycho killer who kept skulls as the remnants of people he killed. Just at the age of 18, he murdered a 19 year old hitch hiker. After getting arrested by fondling a 13 year old boy, he was sent to a probation camp and after the release, the killing spree began.

top unsolved serial killers

His murders included necrophilia, forced sodomy, torture, dismemberment and even cannibalism. Known as ‘The monster’ Jeffrey Dahmer was a Milwaukee serial killer who targeted people of African and Asian descent. Ridway is currently incarcerated at the Washington State Penitentiary facing his 48 life sentences. Ted Bundy, one of America’s greatest serial killer helped police in identifying Ridway before he died. On 2003, he was pleaded guilty to 48 charges though he claimed to have murdered 71 women in total. This infamous serial killer was accused of several kills and threatens during the 1980s. Completely obsessed with prostitutes, Gary first murdered a six year old kid when he was just 16. He was named so because all of the victim’s body killed by him were dumped in or near to the Green River in Seattle, Washington. Known as the ‘Green River Man’, Gary Ridgway is the first ever serial killer to be found using forensic DNA evidences. Let us take a look at the top 10 evil serial killers in America found guilty because of their horrific act of crime and sheer number of lives they took. This violent act of serial killing has saw several serial killers, all evil throughout the world and even in a developed country like America with great security. Serial killers are inspired by their irresistible compulsions that might be fueled by their fantasy ultimately leading to torture, mutilations, sexual abuse and necrophilia. These serial killers are vicious, soulless, evil psychos who kill for their own pleasure and gratification. Lurking behind masks of normality, these ruthless people are responsible for the deaths of several innocent people. Evil evolved to a hideous new form with the genocidal dictators in the 20th century but in the middle of the 20th century a new phenomenon appeared in the post-war American society- the serial killer. The decision to kill from passion or pre-meditation has been prevalent throughout the past and in the present as well. Unleashing the beast within oneself is a possibility for every human that could occur any moment. Several testimony and ancient myths have cataloged several deaths and murders as a part of fabric of human lives. Whether they will ever be discovered is still a mystery.The darkness in humanity has manifested the lust for blood throughout the ages. Which serial killers managed to never get caught? The killers on this list are mostly known by their media-given nicknames due to their elusive nature.

top unsolved serial killers

Some of these are serial killers on the loose, currently under investigation. Other serial killers got away with the crimes until after their deaths, when their names were attached to the crimes nobody knew they committed in their lifetime. Many of the unsolved serial killer crimes became huge mysteries in human history, from the elusive Zodiac Killer to the menacing Jack the Ripper, with no definitive suspects attached to the crimes. Throughout history, a few serial killers have escaped the grasps of law enforcement, due to their cunning and ability to stay under the radar. Unfortunately, not all serial killers are apprehended. Families of the victims get some sort of peace knowing that justice has been served, while locals get the relief of knowing that a dangerous person has been taken off the streets. It’s comforting to know that most serial killers get caught and put behind bars to pay for their crimes. List of serial killers who were never caught in their lifetime.

Top unsolved serial killers